Suzuki Book Graduation Recital, Anyone? As there are several of my students coming up on this momentous event, I thought I'd share with you the performance descriptors as set up by the Suzuki Association of the Americas so you know exactly what it is that I am looking for in a graduation performance:
SAA Performance Descriptors
For use in Evaluation of Teacher and Student Performances
- Repertoire
- Technical and interpretive demands of the selection(s) are commensurate with performer’s technical and musical abilities.
2. Physical aspects:
* Demonstrates balanced, erect posture.
* Demonstrates ease of movement, efficient motion (e.g., no unnecessary tension evident).
* Appears physically comfortable.
3. Tone production
* Tone is pleasing, resonant and full.
* Tone varies when appropriate.
* Volume is even but varies when appropriate.
4. Technical accuracy
* Plays correct notes.
* Intonation is accurate.
* Tempo is appropriate.
* Musical pulse is steady, yet varies when appropriate (e.g., rubato, ritard).
* Rhythm is accurate and precise.
5. Musicianship
* Dynamics are varied to create expressive effect.
* Notes are articulated appropriately and consistently.
* Creates motion in melodic line (phrase shape, rise and fall).
* Phrases end gracefully (e.g., tapered dynamics, ending notes sustained).
* Performance is consistent with (within the bounds of) stylistic convention.
* Interpretive choices are consistent.
* Performance conveys the character of the piece (e.g., march is march-like).
* Performance demonstrates voicing of melodic lines and accompaniment.
6. Stage presence
* Demonstrates appropriate poise and bearing.
* Acknowledges fellow performers (if applicable).
* In the event of error, continues without pause.
* Bows when appropriate.
7. Focus of attention
* Performance conveys sense of concentration.
* Performance conveys sense of confidence (little hesitation or timidity evident).